IMC (Institute Management Committee)


The Institute Management Committee has been constituted to manage the training activity of Training Centre with a view to ensuring that training meets the skills need of local industry, cost effective and leads to employment or to the opportunity for further training by establishing strong links with industrial enterprises.


  • Employer representatives including chairman 04
  • Trade Union/ renowned NGO representatives/ PTA 02
  • STEVTA Representatives 03
    • STEVTA Headquarter/Region
    • Manager Employment Exchange
    • Principal of Institution (Member/ Secretary)

The Employers, workers & NGO representative will be taken from the most represented and accredited organization of employers & workers on the basis of the past contribution and interact.


The Institute Management Committee of a Training Centre/Institute shall be responsible for:-

  1. Provide guidance and oversee all strategic decision to be made at the Institutional level.
  2. Prepare annual training plan and regularly assess the overall performance & operation of the institute. iii. Establishing linkages with local industry and collecting requirements of skilled workforce from employers.
  3. Review and approve the budget of the institution, generating, retaining and utilizing all the funds other than fee to be deposited in the Government treasury.
  4. Monitor the staffing and faculty performance and professional development.
  5. Facilitating placement of trainees in industry for on-the-job training and instructional staff for skill upgradation and exposure to latest technological development.
  6. Reporting on quarterly basis and being accountable Director of respective stream of STEVTA that i.e. Vocational Training & Technical Education.

Ms. Shaiyanne Malik

Chairperson OMC
President of FPCCI & Designer
SamanZar Salon & Boutique

U. R. Usmani

Consult Usmani

Ms. Rana Syed

Managing Trust
Bharosa Trust

Ms. Sajda Farnam

Labor Representative
All Pakistan trade union congress

Mr. Junaid Zaman

Costveyors Pvt Ltd

Ms. Uzma Khan

Deputy Manager Material Supply Chain
SalTech Powerlink

Mr. Raheel Tabani

Sr. Manager HR
Gul Ahmed Textile Mill


Regional Director


Employment Exchange

Ms. Naheed Nasir
